Saturday, February 4, 2017

Sick of the Cheaters

Mystic Cheaters in Pokemon Go are rampant all around the city.

Since Day 1, I have seen Spoofers taking over gyms around Chandigarh. As I am leveling up, I am participating more in gyms. It's so sad to see that I travel on foot, motorcycle or car to catch Pokemon and battle gyms and then these cheaters sitting at home beat my Pokemon and put their own.

(I belong to Team Valor)

So what makes me write this article today? This morning I was at the Sector 49 Valley of Animals park that has 3 Pokestops and 2 gyms in a small area, a great place for Pokemon players and apparently for spoofers as well. I had put my Pokemon in Sector 18 and Sector 32 gyms before coming to this park. By the time I reached here, my Pokemon were out and as I found out later they were removed by spoofers as well. So, what happened at the park? I added my 2 Pokemon along with my friend to the 2 gyms at the park. Around 15 minutes later, the gyms were attacked and our Pokemon were out. There was no one else in the park. We added our Pokemon agian and they were removed again. Not only this, apart from the Mystic spoofers, there was a Valor spoofer as well who started adding his Pokemon to the gyms as well. Also, my earlier gyms like Sector 32, Chandigarh were now with the Valor spoofer as well. I reported all of the people I was 100% sure of spoofing today and want to share their names here. If you are in Chandigarh and see these people in gyms, trying taking over the gyms and see if they take them back without being physically present. When you are sure of them cheating, report them to Niantic using this page: Use 'Submit a request' option from top of the page and select 'Report Inappropriate Gameplay'. Attach relevant screenshots and all information you have. Help create this game better for the legit players.

If Niantic is having difficulty in catching these cheaters, let's help them catch them. Here are all the people I am 100% sure of cheating:

This guy is probably the most active hacker in Chandigarh in Pokemon Go. I hope he is banned soon. He is all around the city without being physically present-

Cheaters in Pokemon Go Chandigarh

Another guy from Mystic who kept adding his Pokemon along with the guy I have shared screenshots above-

Cheaters in Pokemon Go

This guy belongs to Team Valor, the same team to which I belong but he is a hacker/spoofer/bot too and is responsible for spoiling the game. I did my job by reporting him-

Cheaters in Pokemon Go India

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