Sunday, February 5, 2017

Biggest Cheater in Pokemon Go, Chandigarh

I encounter this Team Mystic cheater everyday all around the city.
RamnikShahi, I am done with seeing this guy in gyms. From past many days, this guy with account name: RamnikShahi has been active all the time and adding Pokemon all around the city. While I have to walk, run, drive to various places around the city, this guy removes my Pokemon city sitting at his home. I don't think he ever went out of his house to play the game. I don't see the point of players like these. There are far better games including many Pokemon games that you can enjoy sitting at home. Why on Earth will you cheat in game whose primary purpose is to make you travel and explore? All my traveling and in game items like Revives and Potions are getting spent in dealing with spoofers like these. He got more accounts for sure. Today, I saw another account adding his Pokemon as soon as this guy, that account is: chrisevans392. Seriously, now this guy is playing on multiple accounts unfairly but won't walk a single kilometer and play few minutes of this game. I am not going to stop and let him continue with this, I am going to keep reporting these guys until they are forced to play legitimately or quit altogether. Here are some screenshots from today:

Biggest Cheater in Pokemon Go
He keeps adding low CP Pokemon throughout the city probably to prestige with his other accounts.

A Team Valor gym being taken down by RamnikShahi while no one is playing around the gym. The gym is: Sector 20 Gurudwara, Chandigarh.

mr mime in pokemon go added by spoofer
Another thing common with the cheaters/spoofers, they keep showing off their regional exclusive Pokemon. But thanks to this behavior, they will probably get banned easily.


  1. I hate cheaters too, now that I have reached level 18-19 now I have strong enough pokemons to fight in gym. ANd I truly feel for ur post coz everytime I have to travel far to a gym and with great difficulty I put my pokemon and within 10 min I am thrown out. I remember once gym in sec 20 was unoccupied I placed my poekmon and within a min I was thrown out only I was near the gym. some people were thr in the park but they were def not close to the gym. I am really fed up with these spoofers

    1. Same happened with me an hour back in sector 20. The same guy I have shared above was again using 2 of his accounts. I added my Pokemon, he removed me and his 2 accounts added to the gym. I fought him and many of my Pokemon died, removed him and few minutes later his both accounts are back. I keep reporting his both accounts, I hope Niantic takes action soon.
