Sunday, February 12, 2017

Lickitung was Caught

Finally, Lickitung is added to my Pokedex.

I encountered another Licking last night, I threw a razzberry and an ultra ball and it still ran away. Thankfully, I encountered another one in the same park and caught it. This time the CP was really low and one great ball did the trick. This event was probably the only time I could have caught one and finally I have it. I added it to the gym of the park I caught it. This park is best place for playing Pokemon Go in my city but the cheaters are rampant here. My Pokemon no matter what the CP would have been removed in minutes or even seconds by spoofers. Please guys, if you are from Chandigarh and you notice any of these usernames: chrisevans392, rajkundra and RamnikShahi, please report them and help keep the game clean for legit players. Anyways, here is the screenshot:
Lickitung at a gym in pokemon go

Entire Pokedex in Pokemon Go

So I decided to combine screenshots of my entire Pokedex into one image and here is how it looks.
Entire Pokedex of Pokemon Go
I have 108 Pokemon caught and 139 seen. I am sitting on around 15 evolutions and waiting for the lucky egg at Level 25 to evolve all of them. These evolutions will raise both my Pokemon seen and caught numbers and I'll probably share another screenshot then. Also, here's a Scyther I caught at the same Valley of Animals Park, Chandigarh where two Lickitung spawned last night.

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