Saturday, December 17, 2016

Getting Pichu from a 5 km Egg

Pichu  - Pokemon Go

My second egg hatched to a Pichu.

Pichu, yes that's right. The cutest Pokemon to ever live on Earth! I can't stop talking about him. Take a look at it yourself in the screenshot above.

Apart from being a rare catch and this one being very strong (as rated by the guy after clicking Appraise), there is so much more good about Pichus.

Pichu Walking Distance

With Pichus, you only need to walk 1 km to get a Pikachu candy, that's 300% better than a normal Pokemon buddy. This is my first Pokemon from the Pikachu family and look at the candies and how fast I am collecting them.

Pichu Egg Myth Busted

I searched for the type of eggs I need to hatch Pichus and the first website that appeared on Google told me that they come out of 2km eggs which I know is untrue as I got my Pichu from a 5km egg.

New Walking Style with Pokemon Buddy

I think I figured out the distance and walking style of Pokemon buddies. The big ones walk along you for 3km for a candy, smaller ones on your shoulder for 2km for a candy and the ones like Togepi and Pichu for 1km in your arms. I maybe wrong but I assume the new walking style of holding baby Pokemons came after the addition of Togepi and Pichu. Just look at how cute he is, I am going to die from cuteness :3

Expansion of Pokedex
Hatching Pichu also sheds light on availability of new Pokemon beyond 150. My Pokedex expanded from 149 to 172.

Pichu in Pokedex

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