Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Getting 14 new Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Today was the day I mass evolved Pokemon and get to see 14 new ones.

So, today was the day I mass evolved the Pokemon I didn't had earlier, along with 3 10 km eggs and 1 5 km egg, also 7 day Pokestop streak and first catch of the day. I didn't calculate exactly but in total I received 50,000+ XP from one Lucky Egg use today. As the evolutions I did were new to me, they were are all new entries to the Pokedex and also I never hatched a 10 km egg before, so all eggs were going to give me new Pokemon. So, here goes the list of all new Pokemon registered to my Pokedex today.

Arbok - Pokemon Go
Thanks to the recent Ekans hatch, I had enough candies to evolve one of them into an Arbok. I don't think it's worth battling with but worth a new entry to the Pokedex and looks really nice to me.

Beedrill - Pokemon Go
A very weak Beedrill unfortunately but I had candies only to evolve the Kakuna I had and not to evolve a Weedle all the way to Beedrill. Well, I did it for the entry to Pokedex and the XP for evolution, new Pokemon and Lucky Egg.

Chansey - Pokemon Go
Chansey popped out of one of my 10 km eggs in Pokemon Go. A very low CP Pokemon but she is super rare, so I am very happy with this hatch. Also, a lot of XP.

Cloyster - Pokemon Go
Thanks to the Shellder nest near my house, I have too many Shellder candies, so here's another awesome Pokemon from today's evolution. Cloyster, welcome to the party.

Gloom - Pokemon Go
Gloom may not be the best looking Pokemon out there but I like this little guy. The amazing part about this evolution was that I had Oddish and Vileplume, but no Gloom. Thanks to the recent Oddish hatch from an egg, I had exact candies to evolve one. This is a good Gloom in terms of stats.

My first 10 km egg and man I love this guy. One of my first 1000+ CP Pokemon and he has almost perfect IVs and perfect moveset. Let's see how he performs at the gyms. Unfortunately, I opened 2 Hitmonlee from the 3 10 km eggs I hatched today, but that gave me a lot of Hitmonlee candies. This guy should be worth powering up.

Kingler - Pokemon Go
Krabbys are fairly common Pokemon in the wild in Pokemon Go, so evolving one is fairly easy. I didn't had a Krabby with very high CP or perfect IVs but still went ahead with the evolution for new Pokemon and XP. I still like this guy and will try him at a gym.

Metapod - Pokemon Go
Evolved one of my Catterpies into a Metapod but had no candies left afterwards. Surprisingly, I saw my first Butterfree today but it was too far away and didn't fit into my day's plan, so I let it go. Perhaps, Butterfree will be one of the Pokemon in my next Lucky Egg mass evolutions.

Nidorino - Pokemon Go
Had to walk my Nidoran for 9 km yesterday to get enough candies to evolve one. Here is my first Nidorino, a lot of Pokemon still left out of this family. But, Psyduck takes the spot of my buddy for my first Golduck.

Poliwag and Poliwrath
Poliwrath - Pokemon Go
I had candies only for one evolution of Poliwhirl into a Poliwag then into a Poliwrath, so I don't have a screenshot of the Poliwag I evolved into. Another one of the first 1000+ CP Pokemon but not so strong. Poliwag and Poliwrath thanks for 2 entries into the Pokedex.

Keeping Pichu as my buddy for almost 70 km and catching around 10 Holiday Pikachus has given me candies for evolving up to 3 Pikachu but I saved candies for some other super strong Pikachu in the future. Still, this Raichu is having the perfect moveset and IVs on the higher side, I can go ahead and power up him as well.

My highest CP Pokemon yet, again thanks to the Rhyhorn nest near my home. Sadly, this one doesn't has great IVs or moveset but still I'll take him to a gym to test him out or maybe I can leave him at a gym and he can be a good defender. Anyways, I still have enough Rhyhorn candies to evolve some super strong Rhyhorn in the future.

Caught a lot of Horsea in the past few days, enough to evolve one into a Seadra. This one had good IVs, great moveset but unfortunately very low CP. Horsea are fairly common Pokemon, so collecting enough candies and catching a high CP one should not be difficult. That ends my list of new Pokemon added to my Pokedex today. That was a great day with almost 2 dry days in the past in terms of catching new Pokemon.

Apart from the new Pokemon, I want to share some achievements as well. I am almost level 20 now, thanks to today's Lucky Egg use and mass evolutions. Here are some more achievements to share:

Jogger - Pokemon Go
While I may have walked around 150 km since I started playing Pokemon Go, inaccurate tracking, dead battery, application issues lowered in down to 100 km but I still happy that I am finally physically active and moving.

Schoolkid - Pokemon Go
My first gold medal in Pokemon Go, I achieved it yesterday as today was all about evolutions. Now, with great throws, curve balls and +3 normal type catch bonus, no normal Pokemon can escape my throw.

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