Friday, December 23, 2016

10 Days of Playing Pokemon Go

I installed Pokémon Go exactly 10 days back.I thought the craze may start falling off after a week but so far it is only growing. I have gone from walking 7 km per day to 10 km to 15 km today and there's still 5 hours left till midnight. I think the game will stick with me for some time for sure. I bought a new powerbank today to help in my Pokemon adventures. Let's about what's new for today in Pokemon Go.

Pokémon Go for Indian People

As I am gaining experience playing the game, I think I can teach what I know to other people specially the ones that are yet to start. So, I dropped a video earlier explaining the Pokestops, gyms and Pokemon nests in Chandigarh, India. You can see that video if you are in Chandigarh or planning to visit. Also the video is in Hindi language, but you should still be able to understand the important points.

Registering 50 unique Pokemon in the Pokedex (Kanto Achievement)

I got 3 new Pokemon added to my Pokedex today with my caught total reaching 51 and also got another Christmas Holiday Pikachu and a new Ditto.
Kanto Achievement - Pokemon Go
Kanto Achievement

More Dittos in my collection

I caught my fourth Ditto. While I ignore almost every Rattata and Spearow, I keep collecting Pidgeys for the low candy evolution XP. And another random Pidgey turned into a Ditto today. I caught one from a Pidgey on the second day of playing the game. So far, 3 out of 4 Dittos in my collection have come from Pidgeys and one from Rattata.

Catching my fourth Ditto in Pokemon Go
Catching my fourth Ditto

Read: Catching my first Ditto

Collecting Holiday Pikachus in Pokemon Go

I got my 5th Holiday Pikachu today. Hope I catch more as I am looking forward to a very strong Raichu because of all the candies Pichu (my walking buddy) keeps giving me. I have walked more than 50 kilometers with Pichu so far and you get a Pikachu candy every kilometer. I'll evolve one on my next 7 day streak with a Lucky Egg ON along with other evolutions like Caterpie, Krabby and more to get double XP not only from evolving Pokemon but also from registering new Pokemon.

Holiday Pikachu
Holiday Pikachu

Speaking of using Lucky Eggs, make sure you don't you multiple devices to evolve Pokemon at the same time. To be on the safer side, never run the game on 2 devices simultaneously.
Tip: Using Pokemon Go on multiple devices at the same time can get you permanently banned from the game.

Banned for using multiple devices in Pokemon Go

Read about this redditor who was using multiple accounts to evolve Pokemon during his Lucky Egg on to maximize his XP and got perma banned. Yup, account gone forever. So, remember: if you are not sure whether or not something is legit to do, don't do it. It goes not just for the lucky eggs but for anything. As I said before don't run the game on 2 devices at the same time.

New catches of the day in Pokemon Go

Apart from the fifth Santachu and fourth Ditto, I got some new Pokemon in my Pokedex. These are Tentacool (my 50th Pokedex registeration), Golbat and Starmie. Thanks for reading through, happy catching. :)

Tentacool - Already have a Tentacruel which I caught at Sukhna Lake.

Starmie - Wanted to evolve a Staryu but I am far away from having enough candies

Golbat - Again, wanted to evolve a Zubat but Zubats are so difficult to catch and I need too many candies to evolve one.

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