Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Day 6 Report and Planning Next Mass Evolve in Pokemon Go

Not a great day but I got a Jigglypuff.

I still have to go out to catch some more Pokemon. For now I just got one new Pokemon which is Jigglipuff. My Pokedex stands at 38 Pokemon now.

I'll go to a park where I see a lot of Rhyhorns, I need to evolve one during my next Lucky Egg mass evolve. Talking of mass evolve, I am planning something huge for my next mass evolve with the Lucky Egg ON. I am going to collect around 25 Pidges and I already have 6 Pidgeottos. I'll evolve all Pidges and few Pidgeottos. Also I'll be evolving Ratata, Weedle, Caterpie, Pikachu, Spearow, Ekans, Krabby and probably more. Also, would try to hatch 2 or 3 eggs during the same time. Let's see how it goes. I'll do it in few days. I'll stock up Pokeballs and candies for all these till then.

Pokemon and Pokestop Daily Streak

So, I am at sixth day of the daily streak. I don't know exactly what bonus you get on seventh day but I am excited about getting some bonus xp, egg or anything tomorrow. That's just an add-on to the already amazing game. I'll talk about the seven day streak bonus tomorrow. Till then Happy Catching!

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