Saturday, February 11, 2017

Worst Pokemon Encounter in Pokemon Go

Added two new Pokemon to my Pokedex and one ran away.

Scyther was caught

My first Scyther encounter and I was happy to see such a low CP Scyther. Why happy with low CP? I'll explain later. For now, here is my first Scyther that spawned seconds after the Wigglytuff that spawned at the same Pokestop (Sector 21, Post Office, Chandigarh).

Wigglytuff was Caught

Because of the Jigglypuff overdose during the Valentines event, I had enough candies to evolve one but I thought if this one has very nice CP, I'll catch it. I am so happy with the decision, my best Jigglypuff will evolve to lower CP than this one and also it has Pound Hyperbeam moveset which is the best Normal type moveset I believe. Here's the Wigglytuff

Lickitung ran away

Thanks to this event, I finally encountered my very first Lickitung. It was last night and at the same Pokestop where I found the Scyther and Wigglytuff. It's CP was not very low so I was worried about its catch rate. Anyways, I threw a Razzberry and Ultra Ball to be sure but it came out. Next, 3 great balls, all with razz berries, it came out again. Now, I throw a normal Pokeball without a razzberry, it came out again. Only 2 balls and 3 razzberries left in my inventory. I used 2 of each and in the end it came out and ran away. This was the most horrible experience I ever had while catching a Pokemon in the game so far. This is the reason why today's Scyther with low CP made me happy. I caught it with a normal Pokeball, I threw a razzberry to be sure but still it was an easy catch. I don't know when I am going to encounter my next Lickitung.

It's raining Candies

Catching, hatching and transferring Pokemon is giving out double the amount of candies because of Valentines day event.My recent hatches were so good, that they single handedly gave me enough candies to evolve my Pokemon. Now, I can get Sandslash, Balstoise, Primeape and many other Pokemon all thansk to this event. If you want to walk, run, play more of the game, this is the time. Grab all those raining candies.
Hatching this Sandshrew gave me 41 candies, enabling me to evolve one

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