Monday, February 20, 2017

Catching and Hatching Gen 2 Rares

An amazing day with 3 Gen 2 rare Pokemon caught and a few other good catches.

Miltank - First Gen 2 Egg Hatch

Miltank hatch in Pokemon Go
My first hatch from the new Gen 2 Update and it's from a 10 km egg and it's a MILTANK! Apart from Larvitar and Mareep, Miltank is one of the few rare Pokemon that will be hard to find in Gen 2. So, that's a great great hatch. This is the only Pokemon I haven't seen in the wild among the Gen 2 Pokemon I have registered to my Pokedex so far. I have 2 more 10 km eggs I have acquired since Gen 2 release to hatch.

Perfect moveset Skarmory
This is another Pokemon that comes from 10 km eggs but is not so rare in the wild. My friend got his second one and I registered my first. The best part is his high CP and two Steel type moves. That maybe his best moveset. A steel type Pokemon with 2 steel type moves will hurt a lot.

The awesome doggy from the Gen 2, Houndour. I have seen one on my radar before but didn't find it. I like the model of his evolved form a lot, it's totally badass. Now, I need to catch a lot of these and evolve one.

Believe it or not but last night and around an hour before, I have got 1 Mantine each time at the exaxt same spot. What I seem to have discovered is a spawn point for Mantine. Let me explain that a little more, so the folks in Chandigarh can get one for themselves.

Where to find Mantine in Chandigarh, India? 

It's none other than Sukhna Lake. Around the same path you follow to get your Dratini on the Sukhna Lake, you can get a Mantine now. For the spawn point I found, you have to walk quite a bit, around half the walking path around the lake. Here is a rough idea about the point where I got my 2 Mantine:

Mantine Spawn point in India
Mantine Spawn point in Chandigarh, India

Bonus Catch: Stantler
Stantler pokemon go
I am not sure of the rarity of this guy, but I saw two on my radar in a short span of time. One of them despawned by the time my friend and I reached the Pokestop, the second one we caught with ease. I like the CP on this one, it's the roll number I had in college. Also, love his facial expressions.

Pokedex Update: My Pokedex stands at 140 caught and 165 seen now.

Tomorrow, I'll be doing a mass evolution with the Lucky Egg I got at Level 25, there are more than 20 new Pokemon going to be added to my Pokedex tomorrow. I'll share the results here.

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