Saturday, January 28, 2017

Onix was Caught and My Best Gym Experience

My 105th Pokemon registered is Onix.

Out of nowhere a wild Onix appeared on the radar and my friend noticed it. It was around 1 km away and we had a car. We drive to the place in early morning and there it was, our very first Onix. It's not very high CP but based on how rare it is, its so good to have for the Pokedex. Most of the Pokemon I am missing are the 10 km egg rares like Onix, others I can evolve and register. Here is my Onix:

Too many Porygon in Pokemon Go

It's almost 45 days since I started playing Pokemon Go and I have already seen 5 of them. First two appeared at really difficult times like late night with bad weather, so I couldn't catch them. But the recent three just randomly spawned around my city while I was playing the game. Here are my 3 Porygons and also my highest CP Pokemon for now, a Vaporeon I evolved yesterday.

Porygon in Pokemon Go

Highest number of gyms held in Pokemon Go

Today was essentially a gym training day. I went from 0 gyms to 6, highest I have ever caught. Unfortunately by the time I am writing this, 4 out of 6 gyms have already been taken away. I cannot expect much from my defender Pokemon when my best CP is just 1841 and I am still missing Lapras, Snorlax and Dragonite. Still, it was a great achievement and I was able to take all that gold and stardust in time. I am sitting at 130,000+ Stardust and waiting for a mass evolution and then powering up my high CP and good moveset Pokemons.
Highest number of gyms held in Pokemon Go

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