Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Tauros in India

As someone who sticks to rules and regulations, I am always at a disadvantage.

I started playing Pokemon Go with the official launch in India and I have been seeing gyms with 3000+ CP Pokemon since day 1. I never got a fair chance of claiming and fighting in gyms. But with my potato phone and Internet connection, I think I am better off without much participation in gyms. So, what makes me write this post? The crazy gym team changes and super activity at a gym near my home without any people playing the game around. Seriously, the gym was having Pokemon added and removed within seconds all night and there was no one around playing the game. I don't know much about the fancy words used for the cheaters like spoofing, botting, etc. but it was definitely happening last night. Here is one evidence.
Tauros at a gym in India - Pokemon Go

A Tauros in India with game just launched in the country. For people who don't know, Tauros is a Pokemon exclusive to the Americas region. So, a person started playing Pokemon Go, went to America, got a Tauros and came back to place it in a gym already. I am not saying that this cannot be true but with the shady activity happening at this gym last night, I don't think it is. Its time Niantic took serious note of the spoofers, botters and any ways to cheating and get them banned so the fun of the game is not ruined for other honest players.

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