Wednesday, January 4, 2017


I popped up another Lucky Egg and here are the results.

So, New Year event in Pokemon Go is still on. That means, the Pokestops are still giving out a free 1 use Incubator everyday along with higher chances of encountering Kanto starters and hatching Johto Babies. I put on 5 eggs to hatch along with a lot of evolutions today while my Lucky egg was on. Also, I had 7 day streak on catching Pokemon and visiting a Pokestop for 7th day as well. Overall, I got somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000 XP through today's Lucky Egg use. With the amount of lag and restarts I do with my Pokemon Go app all the time, that's more than what I expected.

Electrode - Pokemon Go
Since the last Nest migration in November 2016, my closest nest to home of Rhyhorns has changed to Voltorbs and these Pokemon are all over a big park. Like the mass cathcing of Rhyhorns last time, I am getting Voltorbs now. They are so high in number that I easily collected candies to get my first Electrode.

Togepi - Pokemon GO
One of the two 5 km eggs I hatched during today's Lucky Egg walk hatched to a Togepi. After today's hatches, I am only left with one Johto region baby Pokemon i.e. Smoochum.

Golduck - Pokemon GO
I had to walk 39 kilometers with one of the few Psyducks I caught and completed 50 candies yesterday to evolve one into a Golduck. Well, anything for the Pokedex.

Hitmonchan - Pokemon GO
One of the best egg hatches so far for me. Out of the three 10 km egg hatches, one hatched into a Hitmonchan. It's high CP and very high IV. I am not sure how rare it is but hathcing him makes me very happy.

Ivysaur - Pokemon GO
Thanks to the holiday event with increased chances of catching Kanto starters, I have enough candies to evolve the Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. So, here's my first Ivysaur. I did it for the Pokedex, so I didn't look for IVs or CP and just evolved the highest CP Bulbasaur. Also, why are Squirtles and Bulbasaurs so easy to catch as compared to Charmanders?

 The evolved form of the only Johto baby I am still missing after today's hatches - Jynx. I actually have a nest of Jynx nearby but unfortunately they only appear early morning and that too for a short duration and little spawn time. I am happy I caught one. I don't look forward to catching anymore Jynx as they cannot be evolved further and I need not collect any candies.

Kabuto - Pokemon GO
In my Chandigarh city, there is a Kabuto nest in Sector 44, Chandigarh. Earlier, it was a Magnemite nest. I could only get 2 Magnemites from my last visit and I have to walk them to evolve. I'll try to catch more of Kabutos from the area to evolved one of these easily.

Magby - Pokemon GO
So, 2 of my 3 10 km eggs hatches to a Magby. I am thinking of evolving the higher CP Magby to get my first Magmar. I can also evolve my Elekid if I get another one. I guess evolving Johto babies maybe the way for me to get some of gen 1 Pokemon as a late starter of playing Pokemon Go.

Nidorina - Pokemon GO
Thanks to 2 Nidoran (female) hatches, I was able to evolve one. I still need to get the third stage of both Nidorans and that will take some time based on the exorbitant amount of candies required.

Vaporeon - Pokemon GO
My first Vaporeon is here and it is already assigned to a gym. It doesn't have great IVs but has the best move set of Water Gun as quick move and Hydro Pump as main move. Now I am missing on one last Eevee evolution of Jolteon but with Gen 2 around, there will be 2 more evolutions to watch for.

Venomoth - Pokemon GO
Venonats are quite abundant in the wild and I had enough to get candies for one evolve. So, here it is- my first Venomoth. I did it entirely for a Pokedex entry. I can try him at gym, even if he performs badly, I like him. :)

Wartortle - Pokemon GO
Wartortle doesn't really seem like a War turtle. I don't think he is much of a fighter, his evolved form Balstoise may be a different story. Still, I don't think any Pokemon poses any challenge to the mighty Snorlax, Lapras or Gyarados, neither of which I have so far. But hey I got a Vaporeon with a perfect moveset.

Weepinbell - Pokemon GO
Weepinbell is a unique story. Well, he is one of the Pokemon I had no plans of evolving and didn't hatch either. So, how did I get him. Well, I hatched a Bellsprout and noticed I had enough candies for a evolution. So, while the lucky egg was one and I was hatching eggs and evolving Pokemon, I had an unplanned evolution and got my first Weepinbell. I like this guy and he seems quite strong. Victorybell feels like a long way to go. I need to get more Bellsprout by catching or hatching.

Charmeleon - Pokemon GO
I didn't hatch (can you hatch one?) or evolve a Charmeleon but caught it. I actually got 4 Charmelons so far with one of them running away. That's where all my Ultraball are going. Isn't it strange that I caught all three stages of Charmander but none of Bulbasaur and Squirtle, well at least I was able to evolve them.

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