Sunday, January 22, 2017

Vulpix was Caught

A new Pokemon in my Pokedex after more than a week.

As soon as I crossed the 100 mark on registered Pokemon, it is becoming harder and harder to register new Pokemon in my Pokedex. I saw 2 new Pokemon today: Igglytuff and Vulpix within around 15 minutes and at no special locations. The Igglytuff was a strong one with 1050 CP and I couldn't catch it. I fed him Razzberry and threw and Ultraball but it still came out and ran away. It didn't dissapoint me a lot as I have enough Jigglypuff candies to evolve one. The only sad part is that my evolved Wigglytuff will be around 800 CP and I could have a way better one if I caught it. Anyways, Vulpix was a more imporant catch for me. I didn't take any risks and threw a Razzberry and an Ultraball for an easy catch and got it. Here's my Vulpix from today and Wigglytuff shall have his story when I mass evolve my Pokemon next time!



  1. My fourth pokemon catch was vulpix in sec 42 pokestop but low CP

    1. My Vulpix is my 104th :) I want to catch my first Dratini now. I have really bad luck with Dratinis. Been to lake 3 times with 0 Dratini caught.

    2. Dratini with CP 251. caught in first attempt at lake. some one had lure module on

    3. wow. you must be playing since early days. Today I went to lake for the 4th time since the game officially released in India and have seen 0 lure modules and caught 0 dratini :(

    4. No started playing 10 days back i am only level 12 with 50 pokemion caught

    5. Oh wow, guess I was just unlucky to not get any Dratinis or a lure module on.
