Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How far will you go for catching a Pokemon?

Will you go where I didn't?

Here is a screenshot from few days back:
Porygon in Pokemon Go

My city had a spell of rain for 3 continuous days. It was around 11 pm that a Porygon spawned at a Pokestop roughly 1 km away. I couldn't go out all day because of the cold weather and heavy rainfall and missed my Pokestop of the day as well. My first thought was to go and get it. But, there were way too many drawbacks to that decision. First, it was a cold night and heavy showers outside. Second, I'll probably be the only person walking out in the cold winter night. Third, the roads and footpaths would have been all wet and occasionally muddy making it difficult to walk. Taking all this into consideration, I didn't go. I believe I made the right choice. What you think? If you were in this situation, will you go out to get that Pokemon?

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