Thursday, January 12, 2017

4 More Pokemon in my Pokedex

Evolved 3 more mons and caught a new one.

Here is today's update. I have 4 more Pokemon in my collection. I am at Level 22 and I'll get my next Lucky Egg at Level 25. With so many Pidgeys and other evolutions I'll have by then, I decided to do away with Pidgeys, Rattatas and later with the new evolutions as well. I want to level up fast. By the time I'll reach level 25, I'll have new Pokemon like Koffing, Jigglipuff, Haunter, Eggxecute and  many more to evolve with the Lucky Egg. With only one Lucky Egg on the journey from Level 21 to Level 30, I think investing in Lucky Eggs maybe a good option. I am also contemplating the bundle worth 500 gold coin that contains 8 Lucky Eggs. Well, let's see what really i end up doing. For this post, meet my 4 new friends:

Abra Kadabra

Hatched a really nice Abra with high CP and IV. Evolved into a Kadabra, now I need 100 more candies to evolve this guy. I'll wait for more hatches or Abra catches.

Evolving a Gen 2 Baby Pokemon

I got 2 of the Magby from Gen 2 during the New Year event with increased chances of Gen 2 baby hatches. I had enough candies to evolve and power up one. Unfortunately I got really bad moves on this guy. But still a high CP mon and a new entry into the Pokedex.

Cathcing Pokemon in Rural Areas

Pokemon Go sucks for rural players. I think they have increased spawns of Pokemon there and that too with rare Pokemon but having no Pokestops makes you run out of Pokeballs. I encountered a lot of Ponyta and Growlithe, out of which I was able to catch one of each. Also, I caught this Mankey and a Eevee. There were other Pokemon around the area like Sandshrew, Scyther and Geodude which I do not own. Unfortunately, I had no Pokeballs and I don't think there was any Pokestop in a radius of 50 km in a reasonably developed area. Niantic, why you do this? Well at least now I know where to go with Pokeballs stocked up to catch Geodude, Scyther and Sandshrew.

Got enough Paras to evolve one
Paras are really cute and innocent looking mons (Pokemon just to clarify it once) and I was happy that I finally had 50 candies to evolve one. I just evolved one with the highest CP. I only care about the Pokedex entry on this one.

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