Sunday, January 15, 2017

My first Geodude

Surprised by the Pokemon Go scene in Chandigarh today.

I was at Sector 48 Park in Chandigarh today and was surprised by the huge number of players in the park. This is probably the best park to play Pokemon Go around Chandigarh and Mohali in India. There are 3 Poke stops and 2 gyms. The gyms while my friend and I were at the park were constantly being switched from Team Mystic to Team Valor and vice versa. Soon, we were part of the process as well. It was Sunday but still it's good to see some Pokemon Go scene around in India finally. The news I really want to share is a bit different though. I registered my 103rd Pokemon in the Pokedex today and it's a Geodude. That opens up the opportunity to add Graveller and Gollum to my Pokedex as well. Here's my dude and he's quite strong:

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