Saturday, July 8, 2017

Gen 1 Pokedex Complete!

After the Snorlax raid, I didn't even realise that I have finished the Gen 1 dex!

I just realised that after Aerodactyl hatch a while ago, then capturing Lapras in last Fire & Ice event and with recent Snorlax capture, I have actually completed my Generation 1 Pokedex. I am ofcourse missing the regionals and Legendary. For Gen 2, I am still missing 6 Pokemon, 3 of which I can evolve my walking my mons and the rest 3 are the Mareep family which I am still waiting to hatch. I surprises me that how with so much shortage of Pokestops and rare spawns I was able to complete my Pokedex. My journey is almost entirely dependent on walking and I registered majority of Pokemon merely by hatching them. I am currently at 1111 km walked in Pokemon Go.
Kanto Pokedex Complete

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