Monday, January 29, 2018

My Best Onion Field in Ingress so far

After months of frustration under the ginormous green field with over 50 layers, it is day of Freedom for Ingress in Chandigarh.

I executed a plan I had in mind for a long time. Take 2 anchor points on two edges of Chandigarh and with anchor points on both sides, go on creating fields from one end to the other. I tried to achieve the closest possible to this plan. I had already collected 10+ keys of each anchor I had decided to use once the field is clear. Without further ado, let's see the screenshots of 10+ layers I created playing Ingress in Chandigarh.

My current location, sitting under more than 10 layers of Resistance fields in Ingress.
My current location in Chandigarh, India; sitting under more than 10 layers of Resistance fields in Ingress.

 Creating layers using 2 anchor points and 10+ portals for split fielding.
Intel Map: Created layers using 2 anchor points and 10+ portals for split fielding.

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