Sunday, January 7, 2018

Powering up attackers of each type in Pokemon Go

Focusing on powering up two teams of each type in Pokemon Go and spending 1 million stardust.

A quick update post about where I am in Pokemon Go and Ingress. I'll hit level 8 in Ingress in a few minutes from now as I am 500 AP away. Also, as the Pokemon Go game is now centered around Raids, I am focusing on powering up Pokemon of each type and also specifically the ones that will be helpful in the upcoming raids.

The raid boss after Groudon will most likely be Kyogre followed by Rayquaza and then other dragon types. That means electric, grass and ice types become super relevant. So, powering up Raikou, Exeggutor, Venusaur, Sceptile, Articuno, Piloswine, Lapras and Cloyster would be a great idea. Keeping that in mind, I wanted to capture the current state of my attackers. I have taken these screenshots after evolving many Pokemon that I had enough candies of like Treeko, Shellder, Swinub and few more.

Here are my top Pokemon from the most important types in Pokemon Go.

Electric Types

Electric Types

Fire Types

Fire Types

Dark Types

Dark Types

Water Types

Water Types

Ice Types

Ice Types

Psychic Types

Psychic Types

Grass Types

Grass Types

Fighting Types

Fighting Types

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