Saturday, December 9, 2017

Level 36 in Pokemon Go, Level 7 in Ingress

I leveled up in both the games of Niantic. Also GEN 3!

2 days back, I leveled up to Level 7 in Ingress. The 2017 Anniversary event of Ingress helped a lot. It will be steep climb as the AP needed from Level 7 to Level 8 is same as that from Level 1 to Level 7. Here is the screenshot after reaching Level 7 in Ingress.
Leve 7 in Ingress - Splend1dGamer
Level 7 in Ingress

Level 36 in Pokemon Go

Leveling up in Pogo has become way too easy since the release of raids. Also, powerful and important Pokemon like Tyranitar, Machamp and many Legendaries have become way too common. Anyways, after yesterday's Ho-Oh raid, I made it to level 36. Here is my progress until today in Pokemon Go and let's talk Gen 3.
Level 36 in Pokemon Go - Splend1dGamer
Level 36 in Pokemon Go 

Gen 3 released in Pokemon Go

It was a day of Gen 3 grind with some raids here and there. I caught a total of 10 new Pokemon which is a surprise for me based on how much I was playing all day. But it also makes me look forward to a lot more of Gen 3 Pokemon in upcoming days. Everything I caught was just common stuff except for this one guy: Huriyama! Yes, not even his previous form and with all these common Pokemon all day, this was the best moment of the day. We actually got late to catch this guy and he disappeared from the nearby list. We tried reaching the place anyways to give it a shot and he was still there. We clicked him probably in the last moments before he disappeared. Here is the screenshot of catching Huriyama on the first day of Gen 3 release in Pokemon Go.
Wild Hariyama 1st Day Gen 3 Chandigarh
Hariyama - Gen 3 Release

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