Friday, December 1, 2017

Ho-Oh defeated by 5 trainers in Chandigarh

We are not Level 40 nerds, so defeating Ho-Oh by 5 trainers was a big deal for us.

Ho-Oh is the Pokemon you see in the first episode of the Pokemon anime and also the same scene is replicated in the recent Pokemon movie. It all started with Ho-Oh and my experience had been a little bit similar. I caught my first Pokemon in Sector 20 Park of Chandigarh and today I caught my first Ho-Oh there. It's been ages since there has been a raid at this park in Chandigarh. Due to the distribution of EX-Passes in Mohali, everyone wants to raid there.

Defeating Ho-Oh with 5 trainers

We were level 36, 36, 35 (that's me), 32 and 30. The teams we used were auto selected and everyone had to rejoin. The teams consisted mainly of Golems along with Tyranitars, Rhydons and few others. I personally used 2 Tyranitars, 4 Golems and 2 Rhydons. I did not expect to go through with the raid as the damage in beginning was meagre. But it spiked in mid battle and we sailed through. It was great feeling catching my Ho-Oh at the same place I started playing Pokemon Go. I got a really bad IV one though.
Ho-Oh Raid Chandigarh, India

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