Friday, February 16, 2018

Ingress Level 9 and More!

Reached more than halfway to Level 10 in Ingress and what is going on in Pokemon Go.

Let me update you on the Ingress and Pokemon Go update since my last post.

Level 9 in Ingress

I reached Level 9 around 5 days back and carrying this screenshot to share ever since. Around 16,00,000 AP is now needed to reach the next level. The journey won't be as difficult as before because the ever-present green layer over Chandigarh is now gone and fielding is possible. Here is me reaching a new level in Ingress. Hopefully, with the next post, I will be reaching Level 10 and will start submitting portals.
Ingress - Reaching Level 9
Ingress - Reaching Level 9

Hacking 3 Quantum Capsules in 1 week

Right after the very rare item, Quantum Capsule went live in Ingress, I hacked one. I hacked another one around 3 days later. And 3 more days later, a third one. So, 3 Quantum capsules hacked in a span of 1 week. I think that was insane luck with the casual playing of maximum 1 hour per day.
3 Quantum Capsules Hacked
3 Quantum Capsules Hacked

Level 37 in Pokemon Go

I am almost 15,000 XP short of level 37 in Pokemon Go. I have an Ex-Raid this Sunday, i.e. 18th Feb. 2018 and by then I will surely earn more than 5,000 XP. So, a Mewtwo raid will take me from Level 36 to Level 37 in Pogo.

Weather Update in Pokemon Go

It's been quite some time since Niantic released the first Gen 3 wave along with the weather update. Every now and then the game looks amazing in a certain weather or a combination of multiple kinds of weather. Here is one such instance where Rainy weather combined with windy showed up. Also, the 2 cuties from Gen 3 Minun and Plusle were available worldwide. So, a great screenshot was captured, here is the same.
Rainy Weather in Pokemon Go
Rainy Weather in Pokemon Go

Chinese New Year in Pokemon Go

A few events have gone by back to back namely Valentine's day and the Chinese New Year. As it was the year of the dog, dog-like Pokemon were spawning more than usual and award 3x Stardust. Here is one screenshot of the event:
Chinese New Year - Pokemon Go
Chinese New Year - Pokemon Go

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