Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Entei Caught

Caught my first Entei right after it arrived in India or Asia-Pacific.

Last morning, Entei started appearing in the Asia-Pacific region and I caught my first one. Here is the screenshot of the Entei and also of my Pokedex:
first entei raid in india
First Entei raid. Caught on 1 November in Asia-Pacific

244 Caught, 251 Seen. Pokedex completed in India sans regionals and Unown

Receiving 3 Charge TMs from a single raid

Today, I caught my second Entei and I received 3 charge TMs in raid rewards. This is the most number of TMs I have received from a raid, that too charge TMs. My luck on catching Legendaries since last 1 week has been insane. I caught 9 out of 10 Raikou I encountered and I am 2 out of 2 on Entei so far. Let's see how long the streak on Entei goes. Here is the screenshot of receiving my highest number of TMs from a raid:
best raid rewards in Pokemon Go so far. 3 Charge TMs, 6 Golden Berries and 3 Rare Candies.
My best raid rewards in Pokemon Go so far. 3 Charge TMs, 6 Golden Berries and 3 Rare Candies.

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