Saturday, November 25, 2017

Catching my First Region Exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Catching 3 billion Pokemon during the ongoing Global Catch Challenge in Pokemon Go has unlocked Farfetch'd for 48 hours.

And of course, as soon as I knew about the Farfetch'd being available, I rushed to catch it and register in my Pokedex. Here is the small adventure of catching the Farfetch'd:

4 Steps to Catch a Farfetch'd:

1. Wake up and open Pokemon Go. (Brushing teeth or taking bath is optional)

2. Check nearby and find Farfetch'd on the tracker.

3. Go to the spawn location and click on Farfetch'd

4. Register Farfetch'd and contemplate what to do with your life now.

Other Updates:

Spending 350,000 Stardust:

Another stardust spending spree happened and I spent 350 thousand of that dust powering up Mewtwo, Lugia, Rhydon and Tyranitar. I did not need any new powered up Tyranitar or Rhydon but unfortunately, I hatched 98% IV Rhyhorn and Larvitar. So, I had to walk them, get their candies and then use stardust to power them up. Hopefully, I won't be hatching 100IV of either now. The Result:
Highest CP Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Level 6 in Ingress

With the double AP (equivalent to XP in Pokemon Go) event going on, I am easily levelling up in Ingress. I reached Level 6 last night. I control a significant area of Chandigarh with many links and control fields. I am totally loving this game.
Top Ingress Agents in Chandigarh

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