Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Spending 375,000 Stardust in Pokemon Go

Powered up 5 Mons from Level 20 to Level 30 with the recent Equinox event stardust.

A Pokemon from level 20 to level 30 takes exactly 66 candies and 75,000 stardust. This is an important number to remember as the CP gain and overall effectiveness of a Pokemon starts to drop drastically after level 30. That doesn't mean you don't power them up after level 30. But you need a lot more stardust and candies and also the results are less and less effective with each powerup. When you are satisfied with all the Pokemon you have at level 30 and don't want to power up any new one form lower level, go ahead and power them up beyond level 30. That's what I have decided too.

This post is essentially about the before and after top Pokemon list from my account after I spend 250,000 stardust I collected mostly during the Equinox Event.


The Pokemon I powered up were: Raikou, Vaporeon, Blissey, Espeon and Machamp. Because of the high max CP, the mons that reached the top 10 list were: Raikou, Blissey and Vaporeon. Espeon and Machamp are close too with CPs around 2500 and 2400 respectively. Here is the screenshot after spending the Equinox stardust in Pokemon Go.


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