Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Cyndaquil was Caught

Finally the last Gen 2 starter caught.

This is a quick update post, I have 2 new entries in my Pokedex: Cyndaquil and Tyrogue


Found Cyndaquil at Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh. I have never seen a Charmander at the lake before but have seen plenty of Bulbasaur and Squirtle. The trend has continued with the Johto Pokemon release, there are a lot of Chikorita and Totodile at the lake and in general as well. Cyndaquil are comparitively rare and so is Charmandar I believe. Anyways, here is the cute fire mon:


I hatched a Tyrogue recently. Not very happy as he has defence as his best stat. If you don't know yet, to get a Hitmontop from Gen 2, you need a Tyrogue whose highest stat is health.

Nest Migration Tomorrow

From tomorrow morning onwards, you should be able to see new Pokemon nests, I am really looking forward to this nest migration as most of the nests from last migration were next to useless for me. I am looking forward to a new mass evolution soon and hopefully make is as amazing as last time when i got 28 new Pokemon registered with a Lucky Egg on. See you!

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