Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lucky Egg Mass Evolve during Adventure Week

Pokemon Go - Splend1dGamer

70,000 XP, Mass Pidgey Evolve, Dragonite and more in today's Lucky Egg.

I have been sharing a lot less about my Pokemon Go journey recently, so I thought let's create one bigger post and highlight where I am right now after 5 months of play. I recently switched to a new phone and thanks to that, I got 0 issues during today's Lucky Egg use. Nor do I have connection or GPS issues, neither heating or charging issues. It's just pure fun gameplay of Pokemon Go. (Phone is Moto G4 if you are wondering). Without further ado let's talk about today's egg use and will cover other parts of my game during the same.

Jogger Medal and Rock type event

 This is my total distance after today's play. With the game not tracking distance accurately, GPS issues and not being able to play for about 10 days after my last phone stopped working my jogger medal took a hit. I have walked on average 5-10 km everyday since the game released in India. Anyways, I am getting all my distance accurately registered now and should be reaching 1000 km walking distance soon. Also with the ongoing Rock event, I want to finish with my Tyranitar candies and that'll take somewhere around 25 km, so I should be at 900 km total walked by the end of this rock event.

Pokedex Update

I registered 5 new Pokemon in my Pokedex today including Nidoking, Dragonite, Slowking, Pupitar and Donphan. I am now at 214 Pokemon caught and 222 Pokemon seen. I think that's amazing progress based on how late I joined the game and the scarcity of Pokestops in my country.

The Unexpected Dragonite

Dragonite - Pokemon Go
An unexpected evolution during today's play: Dragonite. I was at around 77 Dratini candies when I started today's play but I had timed 2 10km eggs during the Lucky Egg both of which hatched into a Dratini giving me enough candies to evolve one and still have some spare to power it up. Also, I evolved the one with almost perfect IVs! What more can I ask from RNGesus?

New Pokemon from today's play:

Donphan, I have hatched 3 Phanpy so far and they were enough to give me a Donphan today. With the gym rework coming out soon, I'll hold onto any power ups for Pokemon like these for now.

For the sake for more XP, I evolved the Larvitar I was walking with. I know I could find a better Larvitar during the event but based on how rare they are, I'll won't get too optimistic and went ahead with the evolution.

With Slowking evolution today, Bellosom is the only Pokemon I am left with evolving that needs a special item. Just waiting on some Oddish candies and I'll get that soon too.

As my new phone now supports AR mode and Battery Saver mode, I am utilising them to full extent. Here's a Xatu to end today's post:
Xatu - AR mode - Pokemon Go

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