Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pokemon Go in India - The Wait is Killing Me

Ever since Pokemon Go came out, I am waiting for its release in India. Many of the Indian fans have got the app installed in some way but I do not want to follow any shady path and just get it straight out of the Google Play Store.

So, the question remains, When is Pokemon Go releasing in India? Many Indians including myself are continuously tweeting and asking for its release in India and not getting any replies. We should at least get some clue on when it will be coming to India or whether it will be coming at all? The best news regarding the Pokemon Go release date in India I have come across is the last week of September. Although that's still too late, but I'll take it given the fact that at least it will be released. So, I am now waiting for the last days of September to come and getting my hands on the game. Hope their is some news regarding the same and confirming it by that time. If September 2016 passes on and their is no Pokemon Go in India, I am gonna give up on playing the game and move on.

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